Tucker Carlson Loses His Job, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked

Tucker Carlson Loses His Job, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
Elon being unintentionally funny again, an annoying Twitter quote prompt and the firing of a TV anchor that galvanized a subset of extremely online people.
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Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit. Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked.

This week, we’ve seen that people are still laughing at Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, for very different reasons, and a quote tweet prompt that could've just stayed in the drafts.

3. Your most right wing-coded beliefs

The meme

Over these past few weeks the Twitter quote-tweet prompt monster grew another head. We've seen prompts ask for photos and opinions, and this one was a slight variation on the take. It started when people began asking for others' most "coded" beliefs, like their most right wing- or boomer-coded opinions and so on. Not the best use of anyone's time if you ask me, and predictably people had fun with the right winger prompt.


Adwait Patil

2. Twitter's blue check disaster

The meme

Another week, another chaotic thing happening on Twitter under Elon Musk’s reign. The billionaire CEO has scrapped the legacy verification system, deciding that only those who subscribe to Twitter Blue can have a blue check on their profile β€” meaning high-profile figures, from the Pope to Beyonce, are now tick-less.

Then, in what is now an almost predictably ridiculous move, Musk decided to give blue ticks back to random accounts for free β€” whether they wanted them or not. The whole fiasco has been thoroughly memed, with some of the best below. Enjoy.


Darcy Jimenez

1. Tucker Carlson gets fired

The meme

Tucker Carlson, a subhuman entirely comprised of evil and hair grease, was fired from FOX News on Monday. He is a feckless, gutless, spineless ghoul who doesn’t believe a single thing he has ever said out of his WASP mouth, and has done nothing but make our country and world a worse place to live in.

While he’ll stay insanely wealthy, backed by the most rich supervillains we’ve allowed to prosper, we can still revel in his ability to no longer say the most batshβ€”t things on live TV. The damage is done, but this is what happens when you cost your company almost a billion dollars in lying about voting machines for no reason other than to destroy the very idea of democracy. Own the libs by endangering humanity and society at large.


Jared Russo

And if you're hungry for more memes, here's the last edition of "The Week's Best Memes," where we ranked an "elite" couple that thinks it's their job to make babies, a flood of Wes Anderson memes, making fun of Netflix's "Love is Blind" fiasco, speculating who the next James Bond is going to be and getting up close and personal with Drew Barrymore.


  1. John Doe 1 year ago

    Ok, who is paying for my new schadenfreude meter? This one went to 100 and the Tucker Carlson firing blew it out.

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