Beautiful Princess Island, Mastodon For Beginners And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked

Beautiful Princess Island, Mastodon For Beginners And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
This week we've also got Twitter's new blue check system and Elon saying "I just killed it."
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Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit. Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked.

This week, we’ve got explaining Mastodon to newbies, Beautiful Princess Island, Twitter’s new blue check system and Elon saying “I just killed it.”

4. Blue Checks

The meme

On Twitter, one of Elon’s first plans as its new owner was to level the playing field by giving everyone the opportunity to purchase a verified checkmark. Musk answered some questions about the plans, but the overall consensus is still chaos, as he decided to pull the second verification (well the original system) layer that his team worked nights on end for.

Needless to say, Musk’s verification fiasco and the backlash he received might just be the reason he decided to make employee lives more miserable.


Adwait Patil

3. Mastodon

The meme

A lot has happened in the almost two weeks since Elon Musk officially took over as CEO of Twitter (Musk firing its board of directors, laying off a load of its staff and making blue ticks available for $8 are just some examples) — and, unsurprisingly, lots of people aren’t happy.

Enter: Mastodon, founded in 2016. A not-for-profit microblogging site with zero tolerance for hate speech and neo-Nazis, Mastodon has become a refuge for many Twitter users who no longer want to use the bird app under Musk’s chaotic and very problematic reign.

The only issue is, the way Mastodon works is pretty confusing (what’s a federated network?) — and newbies to the platform have been memeing the struggle to get their heads around it.


Darcy Jimenez

2. Beautiful Princess Island

The meme

Every now and then, a very stupid yet sort of sweet (or at least toothless) concept takes off on Twitter. These last couple weeks, it’s Beautiful Princess Island: an island on which pretty much every woman spends time, because to any admirer, every woman is a beautiful princess who hails from Beautiful Princess Island.

Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy it.


Molly Bradley

1. ‘I Just Killed It’

The meme

I know, I know: there is way, way too much of Elon Musk everywhere these days. He owns Twitter now, he’s showing up on your TL whether you like it or not, he’s selling Tesla stocks — there’s no avoiding him. He’s even appearing in this memes roundup for a second time, and for that I’m sorry.

But we couldn’t not capture this particular trend, which is simple and takes some cheap but honestly very valid shots at Elon because of what he’s done to Twitter already in his short reign, and for what he’s done with Tesla that still isn’t remedied.

A little background: since he bought Twitter, Musk has been tweeting about the changes he’s making or planning to make, and then tweeting about rescinding those plans, and then tweeting about new plans, ad nauseum. One thing he did off the bat was to declare that any account impersonating another person or entity would be suspended unless if clarified that it was parody.

Now, however, with the ability for someone to choose whatever display name they want and then buy their blue check without going through a verification process, that means there’s going to be a lot more confusion about which accounts belong to whom, which are real, et cetera — and the confusion has already begun.

Anyway! More recently, Twitter implemented a new, separate “check” to denote “official” accounts — presumably meaning the ones whose display names actually correspond to the person using them.

But just as quickly as this showed up, Musk rolled it back, saying:

People have been extra inventive these past weeks in finding new ways to tease Musk online, and though these ways are becoming increasingly low-effort and arbitrary, they are also extremely funny. People have been screenshotting the above tweets (or parts of them) and captioning them with things that — fair warning — are a little grim, but serve as truly valid criticism of Musk’s companies and the havoc they’ve wreaked.


Molly Bradley

And if you're hungry for more memes, here's the last edition of "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked”, where we rank Taylor Swift tour tickets, 3D Jesus, Nick Cannon’s many children and Heidi Klum as a worm.

Image credit: Alan Baker via Pexels


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